Friday, September 15, 2023

26 statements

here are 26 statements. arrange them in order, from 1 ( the one you most agree with ) to 26 (the one you least agree with).

adam and eve, not adam and steve

all power to the people.

america is the greatest country in the world

at the end of the rain is a rainbow.

the beginning is the end.

children should be seen and not heard

columbus discovered america.

denali is the tallest mountain in america.

donald trump is the worst human who ever lived.

every dog has its day.

every human has a right to a decent life.

every man should be a king, every woman a queen.

haters gonna hate.

if you can’t beat them, join them.

love conquers all.

the meek will inherit the earth.

michael jordan was greater than tom brady

my mom is the greatest person who ever lived

no human is illegal.

peas are green.

quarks are fundamental constituents of matter.

the race is not to the swift.

the unexamined life is not worth living.

a woman’s place is in the home.

you can be anything you want to be.

you can’t fight city hall.