Thursday, July 19, 2018

ms johnson's quiz

the following quiz was given to her eighth grade class by ariadne johnson, a civics teacher at the jim bowie junior high school in walden texas. a number of parents complained to the school board and demanded that ms johnson be fired (see below).

1. in considering the truth or falsity of any statement, the most important thing to consider is the motive of the person making it.

—— agree

—— disagree

2. there are no such things as probabilities or odds. everything either happens or it doesn’t.

—— agree

—— disagree

3. every question has a right answer

—— agree

—— disagree

4. if two things are connected, one causes the other

—— agree

—— disagree

5. everybody in the world either loves you or hates you.

—— agree

—— disagree

6. men know nothing about women, but women know everything about men.

—— agree

—— disagree

7. white people know nothing about non-white people, but non-white people know everything about white people. —— agree

—— disagree

8. the world is divided into good people and bad people and the bad people should be killed.

—— agree

—— disagree

9. the world is divided into good people and bad people and the bad people should be re-educated.

—— agree

—— disagree

10. white people living in the americas should all go back to europe

—— agree

—— disagree

11. the results of all wars should be canceled, and all peoples should go back to where they originally came from

—— agree

—— disagree

12. all borders should be abolished, and all living creatures should be free to go where they like

—— agree

—— disagree

13. every human being should be guaranteed a decent life

—— agree

—— disagree

14. every living creature should be guaranteed a decent life

—— agree

—— disagree

15. the white race should make restitution to all other peoples, and all living creatures, for their millennia of oppression

—— agree

—— disagree

16. the white race should be abolished

—— agree

—— disagree

17. power should be abolished

—— agree

—— disagree

18. gender should be abolished

—— agree

—— disagree

19. racism, misogyny, and homophobia should be made illegal

—— agree

—— disagree

20. prisons should be abolished

—— agree

—— disagree

21. the opposite of truth is:

a) error

b) misinterpretation

c) confusion

d) incomprehension

e) lies

22. if the people who rule the world, and are responsible for its unfairness, woke up tomorrow and decided to make things right, how long do you think it would take them?

a) a week

b) a month

c) a year

d) 10 - 20 years

e) other (specify)

23. if truly dedicated revolutionaries overthrow the patriarchy, how long do you think it would it take them to make the world a fair place?

a) a week

b) a month

c) a year

d) 10 - 20 years

e) other (specify)

24. do you think that ms johnson should be fired from her position as civics teacher?

——— yes

——— no

part 2

Sunday, April 8, 2018

excerpt from a extended questionnaire

221. do you think that everything you read and see in the media is a lie?

( ) yes

( ) no

if you answered “no” skip ahead to page 95.

if you answered “yes” please continue

222. how likely do you think it is that the people described in the media, or that you see on television or online - such as president trump, former president obama, hillary clinton, george soros, members of the british royal family - do not really exist, but are played by actors?

a. completely obvious

b. very likely

c. somewhat likely

d. possible

223. how about media personalities such as oprah winfrey or sean hannity? do you think that they are real people who were born, grew up, went to school? how likely do you think it is that they too are being played by actors?

a. completely obvious

b. very likely

c. somewhat likely

d. possible

224. how likely do you think it is that that all of these people are not even played by actors but are just holograms?

a. completely obvious

b. very likely

c. somewhat likely

d. possible

225. do you think that there is any real conflict between the so-called “right” and the so-called “left” or do you believe that it is all a smokescreen covering the real intent of the people in control?

a. there is no conflict

b. the conflict is real, and the fate of america and the human race hangs in the balance

if you answered “b” to question 225, skip ahead to page 123

if you answered “a” please proceed

226. what do you think the ultimate goal of the people behind the fake trumps, obamas, hannitys, oprahs, etc is?

a. to enslave while christians and send them to the sahara desert where they will build pyramids and altars to satan

b. to enslave the entire human race and send them to a distant planet in a far away galaxy to build pyramids

c. to enslave the entire human race and send them to a distant planet in a far away galaxy to be sex slaves and make porn movies

d. to take all the human children on earth and make them sex slaves of lizard creatures on a distant planet

e. other (specify)----------------------

227. what would you, personally, be willing to do to combat the forces attempting to enslave us?

a. join a militia and undergo rigorous training for the coming final conflict

b. join an elite fighting force and undergo even more rigorous training to take the fight immediately to the forces of evil on distant planets

c. undergo rigorous training to become a special ops agent and infiltrate the forces of evil and report back on their plans

d. nothing. fuck them. there is no hope and i am just going to kick ass and get wasted before the end comes

e. nothing. fuck you. how do i know you are not one of them yourself?

if you answered a, b, or c to question 227, skip ahead to page 186, where you will find applications to fill out

if you answered d or e to question 227 you have completed the questionnaire, and we thank you for your time.