1. do you believe that there are people who rule the world?
2. do you believe that there are people who rule the world and that these people, if they wished to, could order the complete reorganization of human society?
3. do you believe that human society needs to be completely reorganized?
4. do you believe that human society needs to be completely reorganized and that a world government needs to be established to do the reorganization?
5. do you believe that all humans should be free do what they want?
6. do you believe that all land stolen from indigenous peoples should be returned to them, and all colonial regimes be abolished?
7. if you believe that all land stolen from indigenous peoples should be returned to them, and that all colonial regimes be abolished, do you think that these goals are compatible with the establishment of a world government?
8. do you believe that hate speech should be outlawed?
9. if you believe that world government is a good idea, do you think that the world government should establish a department of information to combat disinformation, and/or a department of toleration to combat hatred?
10. do you think that churches or other organizations that oppose the personal freedoms of women or lbqtq people should be outlawed?
11. do you believe that all children should receive a good education?
12. if you believe that all children should receive a good education, do you think that decisions as to what constitutes the good education should be made by the world government, or by local governments of indigenous peoples?
13. do you believe that all children should have a healthy diet and good medical care?
14. if you believe that all children should have a healthy diet and good medical care, do you think that decisions as to what constitutes a healthy diet and good medical care should be made by the world government, or by local governments of indigenous peoples?
15. do you believe that all citizens, regardless of age, should be required to have a healthy diet and good medical care?
16. if you believe that all citizens, regardless of age, should be required to have a healthy diet and good medical care, do you think that decisions as to what constitutes a healthy diet and good medical care should be made by the world government, or by local governments of indigenous peoples?
17. do you believe that all colonial peoples should return to their original places of origin?
18. do you believe that all colonial peoples should be re-educated?
19. do you believe that guns, or other individually owned weapons or items that could be used as weapons, should be outlawed?
20. do you believe that scientific efforts to increase the life spans of humans should be encouraged?
21. do you believe that the human race can live forever?
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